Tuesday, June 19, 2012

WoW Addon Macro-Pros And Cons

WoW Addon Macro-Pros And Cons

Classes in World of Warcraft have a lot of abilities. That makes it pretty hard to play in class efficiently because you have to press a lot of buttons. That, in turn, means that you waste precious seconds going from one part of the keyboard to the other. So how do you play Faster when you have to hit a lot of buttons? You combine more abilities into one single button with a macro WoW addon.

WoW Addon Macro-Pros And Cons

WoW Addon Macro-Pros And Cons

WoW Addon Macro-Pros And Cons

WoW Addon Macro-Pros And Cons

WoW Addon Macro-Pros And Cons

Macros can be used for a very large variety of tasks. You can add a sequence of spells into a single macro. These will then fire in the order you have set, each time you tap the macro button. You can even have several abilities fire one after the other by just pressing the button once macro . There are even more complex macros thatallow you to cast both beneficial and harmful spells depending on what you have targeted.

It's ironic though, macro will make things a lot easier for a player, but they are generally hard to make. This is because people think that you need some special type of language to one. The type of commands used in a macro are very straight forward. For example, if you want to target a player and alive, you simply add [help, nodead] in your command line. That being said:

Here are the Pros to why you should use a macro WoW addon.

WoW Addon Macro-Pros And Cons